The following options should be passed to either window.robroy({})
or Robroy({})
. The default options are shown below.
// The JS selector for elements that trigger the lightbox.
selector: '[data-robroy]',
// This class is added to the <body> element when the lightbox is visible.
bodyClass: 'robroy-open',
// This id attribute is added to the lightbox <dialog> element.
id: 'robroy',
// Set to true to prevent the escape key and left/right arrows from closing
// and navigating the lightbox.
disableKeyPressListener: false,
// Set to true to prevent the lightbox resizing when the browser window is resized.
disableResizeListener: false,
// How often to fire the resize event.
resizeDebounceMilliseconds: 100,
// If the screen width is less than this value, the lightbox will not appear.
// Set to false to show the lightbox on all screens.
minScreenWidth: 400,
// Set to true to prevent next/previous when the lightbox image itself is clicked.
disableImageClickListener: false,
// Maximum 0.5. When set to 0.5:
// - If the left 50% of the image is clicked, the previous image will be shown.
// - If the right 50% of the image is clicked, the next image will be shown.
// Decrease this value to trigger navigation when clicking further to the left/right.
imageClickListenerThreshold: 0.5,
// Set to true to prevent closing the lightbox when the dimmed background is clicked.
disableOverlayClickListener: false,
// Set to true to hide the close button.
hideCloseButton: false,
// Set to true to hide the full screen button.
hideFullScreenButton: false,
// Set to true to hide the previous and next buttons.
hideNavButtons: false,
// Set to true to hide the caption.
hideCaption: false,
// Set to true to hide the dimmed black background.
hideOverlay: false,
// Set to true to prevent <img> alt attributes from being used as captions.
disableAltCaptions: false,
// How often to check if the image has loaded.
imgLoadIntervalMilliseconds: 250,
// This class is added to the <dialog> while the lightbox is appearing.
animateInClass: 'robroy-fade-in',
// This class is added to the <dialog> while the lightbox is disappearing.
animateOutClass: 'robroy-fade-out',
// Set to true to allow navigating from the first image to the last image and vice-versa.
enableLoop: false,
// Set to true to show the current image number and the total number of images.
showNumber: false,